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时间:2012-12-02 14:55来源:毕业设计论文网 作者:坤哥毕业设计 点击: 购买指南 在线支付
毕业设计名称:农业生产文翻译 适用行业:农业外文 文件格式:word 农业生产文翻译 泰瑞kelleycooperative推广服务农业学院和佐治亚大学sciencesintroductiongreenhouse蔬菜生产是一个高度密集型企业需要大量的资金投入和劳动。由于这一潜在的种植者应该 仔细







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onprice thereforegreenhouse-grown蔬菜销售给买家以品质优异和淡季的可用性。最后的个性和技能的人orpeople参与企业应该加以考虑。如前所述,这可以a24-hour-a-day承诺





物disposalirrigation waterrunoff等应予以考虑。该网站应该是附近的一个动力源,随时可用水供应。典型的水从井比表面waterbecause有较少的可能性疾病和藻类污染。水是








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Terry KelleyCooperative Extension Service The University of Georgia College of Agricultural andEnvironmental SciencesIntroductionGreenhouse vegetable

production is a highly intensive enterprise requiring substantial laborand capital inputs. Because of this potential growers should carefully consider all of

thefactors necessary for a successful enterprise.Greenhouse vegetable production is in manyways a 24-hour-a-day commitment. Greenhouse maintenance crop

production and handlingemergencies require constant vigilance. Every 4000 square feet of greenhouse space requiresan estimated 25 to 30 hours of crop care

and upkeep.Greenhouse structures require constantmaintenance and repair. Many of the selected greenhouse covers must be replaced on aregular basis. Heating

cooling and watering systems must be maintained and routinelyserviced. In addition contingency plans and backup systems must be in place in case any ofthese

major systems should break down. Even a one-day loss of cooling heating or waterduring a critical period can result in complete crop failure.

Along with the essential skillscapital and labor to build maintain and grow a crop producers must develop markets willingto pay the relatively high prices

necessary to make the enterprise economically viable.Greenhouse-grown vegetables cannot compete withcomparable field-grown crops based onprice

thereforegreenhouse-grown vegetables often are marketed to buyers based on superiorquality and off-season availability.Finally the personality and skills of

the person orpeople involved in the enterprise should be considered.As mentioned earlier this can be a24-hour-a-day commitment.If you don’t have the

personality to commit and to be availableday or night as needed then this is not for you. In addition a successful greenhousevegetableproduction operation

requires mechanical aptitudecrop production skills andbusiness acumen.Although greenhouse production is an intensive undertaking it can be verysatisfying and

rewarding. One advantage of greenhouse vegetable production is the relativelysmall amount of area required compared with field-grown produce.

In addition the return oninvestment can be good if the requisite markets can be found.Site SelectionSeveral factors should be considered in selecting a

suitable site. Whenever practical the siteshould be level or nearly so. Sloped sites are not completely out of the question but they doraise construction

costs considerably because the site must be leveled or terracedtoaccommodate the new structure.Zoning regulations must be checked to determine if agreenhouse

is allowed at the chosen location. In this regard care concerning waste disposalirrigation waterrunoff etc. should be considered.The site should be near a

power source andhave a ready supply of usable water. Typically water from a well is better than surface waterbecause there is less likelihood of disease and

algae contamination. Water is criticallyimportant in greenhouse production especially if one of the various hydroponic systems asoutlined here is used.The

water used in the fertilizer solutions must be tested beforebeginning the crop cycle. Water in Georgia can range from acid to alkaline depending on

thesource. In addition the water may contain significant levels of dissolved mineralsparticularly calcium and magnesium.City water systems may be troublesome

for growersespecially if the water has been chlorinated. Chlorine can cause problems for plantsparticularly lettuce.Availability of labor is very important.

Althoughmuch of the work in cropproduction is repetitive and tedious one should not expect suitable labor performanceat minimum wage levels. Labor that is

conscientious and skilled or at least trainable is lessexpensive and more reliable in the long run.Access to good roads and proximity to expectedmarkets

should also be considered.

Modern refrigeration and transportation reduces the needto locate the facility near markets but shipping costs are reduced when the facility is nearerthe

expected markets.Leafy VegetablesThe most important leafy vegetable grown under greenhouse conditions is lettuce. Manydifferent types and varieties of

lettuce can be grown under greenhouse conditions includingspecialty types.Many varieties specifically developed for greenhouse production are available.A

crop of lettuce can be produced from seed in about 35 to 45 days. Greenhouse lettuce isharvested earlier and thus is smaller than those grown in the field.

Seed are germinated at75°F and should emerge in two to three days.


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